On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 8:58 AM, Yarrow Madrona
1. Is this the same observed criterion that is reported in the RCSB Deposition?
2. To be honest I don't understand what this is. Is it a limit for the error in Iobs, below which the reflection will be discarded?
3. What is a reasonable setting for this input and how does it change the refinement?
To be honest, this was an incompatibility between the current code and older parameter files that we hadn't anticipated. In the context of French & Wilson treatment, I believe the parameter basically filters out excessively negative intensities. I would probably leave this alone - you can get the old parameter file to work again by resetting it to None, which is the new default value. The current nightly build has been fixed to prevent it from stopping if it sees a value of 0 instead. -Nat