8 Feb
8 Feb
11:15 p.m.
Hi all I have a 3A dataset for a protein-protein complex. I have successfully build the first protein and refined it to R/Rfree 24/28. I can see some density for my second protein but the density is a bit noisy. I have attached the coot image of the density. I want to model the aminoacid having sequence as given peptide: MGKKGKNKKGRGRPGVFRTRGLTDEEYDEFKKRRESRGGKYSIDDYLADREREEELLERDEEEAIFGDGFGLE 1.Based on map features which segemnt should i start with. 2. Is there anyway that i can build the best fit segment of my second protein. I tried autobuild but it failed to build any peptide for my second protein. Your help is highly appreciated. regards -- INTEKHAB ALAM LABORATORY OF STRUCTURAL BIOINFORMATICS KOREA UNIVERSITY, SEOUL