What does the correlation coefficient that is reported at the end of phenix.reflection_statistics represent? (I would assume the CC of F1 vs F2 for all reflections with an observation in datasets 1 and 2). The documentation "...the output will also show the correlations between the datasets and, if applicable, between the anomalous differences, both as overall values and in bins." is a bit ambiguous. Also in the below comparison, how would the overall correlation be 0.901 when all the bins have correlations between 0.330-0.858? CC Obs 2 3 0.901 h,k,l Correlation of: 2: 1.mtz:F-obs,SIGF-obs 3: 2.mtz:F-obs,SIGF-obs Overall correlation: 0.901 unused: - 16.7088 [ 0/9 ] bin 1: 16.7088 - 2.0456 [5236/5928] 0.858 bin 2: 2.0456 - 1.6241 [5610/5946] 0.744 bin 3: 1.6241 - 1.4189 [5539/5925] 0.641 bin 4: 1.4189 - 1.2892 [5357/5873] 0.516 bin 5: 1.2892 - 1.1969 [5405/5972] 0.497 bin 6: 1.1969 - 1.1263 [5241/5939] 0.464 bin 7: 1.1263 - 1.0699 [5067/5903] 0.408 bin 8: 1.0699 - 1.0234 [4960/5934] 0.416 bin 9: 1.0234 - 0.9840 [4808/5941] 0.376 bin 10: 0.9840 - 0.9500 [4700/5931] 0.348 unused: 0.9500 - [3339/6874] 0.330 Thanks, James -- James Fraser [email protected] Alber Lab 356 Stanley Hall, QB3 UC Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720 http://ucxray.berkeley.edu/~jfraser/