Hi Firdous,

I'm sorry for the problem!  This should be fixed in current nightly builds:


All the best,
Tom T

On Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 12:05 PM Firdous Tarique <kahkashantarique@gmail.com> wrote:

I am trying to fit a 40S ribosomal subunit obtained from PDB into a 5 Angstrom EM map using the Dock in Map module. However the program ends with the following error.

Model contains both protein and rna/dna atoms.....only one chain type allowed.

How can I fix this problem? Any suggestions?


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Thomas C Terwilliger
Laboratory Fellow, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Senior Scientist, New Mexico Consortium
100 Entrada Dr, Los Alamos, NM 87544
Tel: 505-431-0010