Dear All, I would like to refine the occupancy of _all_ components together for the following system: - free LYS (chain A and resname LYS) - PLP-LYS complex (chain A and resname LLP) - PLP-GLU complex (chian D and resname PPE) The LYS and LLP are defined as alternative conformations. What I've tried so far is: - just phenix.refine without any additional constraints and the result is occupancy refinement of LYS vs. LLP and separately refined PPE. - constrained_group { selection = chain A and resseq 90 # position of LYS, LLP selection = chain C and resseq 1 # PPE } Result is occupancy refinement of LYS+LLP vs. PPE and total mess in the active site (=ligands moved to new positions far away from where they should be). - constrained_group { selection = chain A and resname LYS # ALYS, BLLP doesn't work selection = chain A and resname LLP selection = chain C and resname PPE } Results in occupancy refinement of LYS vs. PPE and the LLP occupancy is set to 0.00. So, the big question is: - is what I'm trying to do doable at all? - what would be the right way to do it? I will appreciate all and any suggestions on how to proceed. Regards, Andrzej Lyskowski -- [email protected] e-mail home