Last chance to register for the  Gordon Research Conference on Diffraction Methods in Structural Biology to be held at Bates College in Lewiston, Maine, July 17th-22nd 2016. The conference is themed around "Probing the structure and dynamics of macromolecules" and details of the program are at The closing date for applications is this Sunday June 19th.


Please join us in Maine this summer for the 40th anniversary of this meeting.


Eddie Snell and Arwen Pearson



Edward Snell Ph.D.

CEO Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute

Assistant Prof. Department of Structural Biology, University at Buffalo

700 Ellicott Street, Buffalo, NY 14203-1102

Phone:     (716) 898 8631         Fax: (716) 898 8660

Skype:      eddie.snell                 Email: [email protected] 


Heisenberg was probably here!