lauren wrote: (trimmed)
Hi everyone,
I have a P31 twin crystal, resolution 2.0, and with twin fraction 0.451. I use phenix.refine to refine the structure and with freeR set to 8%.
% phenix.refine data.sca model.pdb twin_law="h,-h-k,-l" xray_data.r_free_flags.generate=True xray_data.r_free_flags.fraction=0.08
Final: r_work = 0.1793 r_free = 0.2258 bonds = 0.011 angles = 1.557
After the refinement, it seems like my freeR set size reduced by half (3.67%). Is it due to the twin effect, or something is wrong with my refinement?
And if I use ccp4 program “scalpeak2mtz “ to convert the .sca to .mtz and with freeR fraction set to 8%. Then refine it with phenix.
% phenix.refine data.mtz model.pdb twin_law="h,-h-k,-l" Final: r_work = 0.1669 r_free = 0.1970 bonds = 0.010 angles = 1.406
It turns out, my test set is still 8%, and R/Rfree looks even better than the first one. So I am wondering which one is the correct one and why?
Thanks! Lauren
My first guess is that the R-free set generated in CCP4 is not set to follow twin laws, so you have work and free reflections associated by twinning. However, I would expect PHENIX to check this. As for the reduced size, that probably comes from the way the twinned test set is calculated. Maybe it is a bug. Are you using anomalous data? What is the PHENIX version? Joe Krahn