Hi, I run command line elbow.join_cif_files ligand1.cif ligand2.cif ligand3.cif. As I understand, ligand1.cif and ligand2.cif are cif files present in the directory, the ligand3.cif should be made after joining the first two cifs. I get this error Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/phenix-1.7.1-743/elbow/elbow/command_line/join_cif_files.py", line 245, in <module> run(filenames, target) File "/usr/local/phenix-1.7.1-743/elbow/elbow/command_line/join_cif_files.py", line 145, in run include_commented_restraints=1, #include_commented_restraints, File "/usr/local/phenix-1.7.1-743/elbow/elbow/formats/monomer_library_cif_parser.py", line 185, in parse_cif raise RuntimeError('long tmp') RuntimeError: long tmp Maia