Also, see some discussion around Table 1 here: https://journals.iucr.org/d/issues/2013/04/00/dz5273/dz5273.pdf Different methods exist to split reciprocal space in resolutions shells: by volume, by shell width, by number of reflections and so on. Their utility depends on specific context. I'm not aware of specific guidances nor rules for defining the highest resolution bin. Pavel On 7/29/21 08:05, Johannes Cramer wrote:
I think most programs just divide the number of reflections by 10 (or however many shells you want there to be) and make it so that all shells contain the same number of reflections.
Cheers, Johannes
Am Mi., 28. Juli 2021 um 21:10 Uhr schrieb Pavel Afonine
mailto:[email protected]>: Hi Smita,
> Can someone suggest to me, how we can decide the > resolution range in the outer shell during the protein crystal data > set.
the choice is pretty arbitrary. Typically the software chooses it for you and it is fine most of the time.