On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 2:21 PM, Dialing Pretty
By rigid body refinement (Phenix) with a searching model (Model A) I got a output PDB (Model B) and output mtz file (MTZ FILE) of a diffraction dataset. In Coot I modify the Model B and saved it as Model C. I want to continue to optimize Model C by Phenix.refine.
In the GUI interface of Phenix.refine input, of course I need to input the MTZ FILE, but for the PDB file, should I only input the PDB of Model C, or all of Model A, Model B and Model C? If I input all of Model A, Model B and ModeC, then how does Phenix.refine distinguish the function of each PDB model?
You only need to input the latest model. The exception is when you are working with low-resolution data (worse than about 2.8 Angstrom) and want to use a higher-resolution structure as a reference model, but this is completely optional (and sometimes unnecessary). -Nat