*Workshop on the PDBx/mmCIF Data Exchange Format For Structural Biology* Center For Integrative Proteomics Research Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Tuesday October 22, 2013 http://www.proteinmodelportal.org/workshop-2013/ The wwPDB has established PDBx/mmCIF as the new standard format for data exchange and archiving in structural biology (http://www.wwpdb.org/news/news_2013.html#22-May-2013). To help facilitate the transition from PDB to PDBx/mmCIF format the wwPDB is organizing a programmer's workshop describing the content and organization of PDBx/mmCIF data, and the available software tools and libraries supporting PDBx/mmCIF (C/C++, Java, and Python). The workshop will be held on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (in conjunction with a PSI Workshop on Theoretical Model Archiving and Validation to be held Monday, October 21, 2013): Starting at 9am, the morning session will include presentations from: Paul Adams (Phenix), David Case (AMBER), Tom Goddard (UCSF Chimera), Robert Hanson (JMol), Eugene Krissinel (CCP4/mmdb), Andreas Prilic (BioJava), John Westbrook (RCSB PDB). The afternoon session will offer an opportunity to work hands-on with the presenters and developers in the areas of structural biology and molecular modeling to learn application details and to discuss successful approaches and experiences in adapting software to support PDBx/mmCIF. In addition, the workshop will include a discussion of PDBx/mmCIF extensions required to represent molecular modeling specific information. There is no registration fee, but online registration is required (registration Deadline is October 4). For detailed agenda and online registration: http://www.proteinmodelportal.org/workshop-2013/ Looking forward to welcoming you at the workshop, Andrej Sali, John Westbrook, and Torsten Schwede ---- Prof. Dr. Torsten Schwede Biozentrum Universität Basel & SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics Klingelbergstrasse 50-70 4056 Basel