Hi, Is it possible to run resolve_cryo_em and have it consider the local resolution of the two half maps in the final map? I have a 3.7Angstrom map were certain domains, too small for local refinement with single particle analysis, are smeared out in the resolve_cryo_em map. Their densities are stronger when I low pass filter the original maps. The adjust_local_resolution_coloring = True option seems to be what I need; however, including this option in the command line results in: Please run this program with the --show-defaults option to see what parameters are available. PHIL parameters in files should be fully specified (e.g. "output.overwrite" instead of just "overwrite") The command line I use is: phenix.resolve_cryo_em map_file_name=Class001_full_box_40.ccp4 half_map_file_name_1=Class001_half1_box_40.ccp4 half_map_file_name_2=Class001_half2_box_40.ccp4 resolution=4.0 dm_resolution=3.5 cycles=1 box_before_analysis=False density_modify_unsharpened_maps=True nproc=16 force_nproc=True model_1=Class001.pdb seq_file=Class001.fasta ncs_copies=1 output_directory="Class001_local" adjust_local_resolution_coloring=True > Class001_local.log Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Best wishes, Reza Reza Khayat, PhD City College of New York Associate Professor Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Co-Director NIH G-RISE program