2011/5/2 Miguel Ortiz Lombardía
1/ the same pdb and mtz files work perfectly in the same Mac computer providede I run phenix.refine from the command line 2/ they also work fine if I run phenix.refine in a linux computer (in this case they work from both GUI and command line) 3/ Any file downloaded from the PDB gives the same negative result
So, it is clearly a GUI problem on the Macs, which is not the same than saying that the problem is *in* the Phenix GUI: it could be yet another side-effect of an Apple software update...
It turned out to be a side effect of using the newer version of wxPython in the 64-bit Mac builds. The problem is with the French language setting on your computer, which change some of the formatting conventions (including, I suspect, using ',' instead of '.' for decimal numbers). I was able to reproduce this on a test system, but only with the 64-bit installer - the 32-bit version works fine, presumably because it is using an earlier release of wxPython. (This also explains why the GUI in the Linux build on your systems works okay.) The launchers force the language setting to be the same as far as the command-line code is concerned, but I can only assume that wxPython now overrides this, on Mac at least. The solution to this, fortunately, is very simple - I just need to set the language localization again when the GUI starts. The next nightly build will have the fix, but if you want to patch 1.7.1, I've attached the file you need. Use this command: patch $PHENIX/phenix/wxGUI2/App.py App.patch Thanks for catching this. I'm assuming the MTZ file issue has the same cause, but if the problem doesn't completely go away after patching or updating, please let us know. (Oh, and I suspect REEL will have the same problem if started from the command line rather than the main GUI - I'll fix that next.) -Nat