Hi All I have a 3.0A dataset of a protein-protein complex. I used one of the protein structure solved previously as a template and used phaser in CCP4 as well as in phenix. I used the sca file in phenix which gave a solution with 6 monomers in ASU which are packed as a hexamer. In ccp4 phaser i used the converted .mtz file which gave 6 molecules in ASU but with a different packing. In both the cases map fits well in the model and there is some extra density that may correspond to second protein partner of the complex molecule. when i tried to use the MR solution generated in phenix with the mtz file from ccp4 the model shows a lot of clashes. what kind of approach should i take so as to resolve this ambiguity. Regards -- INTEKHAB ALAM LABORATORY OF STRUCTURAL BIOINFORMATICS KOREA UNIVERSITY, SEOUL