Somebody helped me out with the format. Thanks. My alignment file looks like: ## SP 3n91 0 --DDDEVTMNSK.... 0 GSDNEFPDFDYQ.... But phenix says ******************* ERROR ENDING *************** Sorry, the alignment file ['xx.ali'] does not seem to have the correct format? It can either start with '##' or with '> title of target seq here' ******************* ERROR ENDING *************** I do have the file starting with '##'! Thanks, Abhinav JCSG@SSRL, SLAC Phone: (650) 926-2992 Fax: (650) 926-3292 On 10/11/2011 12:23 PM, Abhinav Kumar wrote:
I am looking for file format for alignment file (*.ali) used in mr_rosetta. The description on the Phenix web site is not clear. Can someone please describe the file format with an example? --
Thanks, Abhinav
JCSG@SSRL, SLAC Phone: (650) 926-2992 Fax: (650) 926-3292