
The anisotropic scaling information is missing from the phenix.refine output PDB header after version 1.8. 
I found the following in the log file:

overall anisotropic scale matrix:
      V0: 1.1031,2.2631,-1.0809,-1.3907,-1.6249,0.8087
      V1: 0.0031,0.0031,-0.0454,0.0150,0.0261,-0.0080

Does the V0 line list the B11,B22,B33,B12,B13,B23 matrix elements in the same way as the following lines from a version 1.7 log file?

| overall anisotropic scale matrix (Cartesian basis; B11,B22,B33,B12,B13,B23):|
| (-5.17,-8.53,18.68,-0.00,0.00,0.00); trace/3= 1.66                          |



Alex Taylor, Ph.D.
Technical Director, X-ray Crystallography Core Laboratory
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Office: 210-567-3781 FAX: 210-567-6595
WWW: http://xray.uthscsa.edu  http://hartlab.uthscsa.edu