Hi Everyone, I'm in search of a structure that has poor or nearly no density for some relatively short loops or ligands. My search criteria are (which are flexible): - resolution 2-2.5A (slightly higher, slightly lower is ok); - structure is not large (~5000 atoms is absolute max., less is better so I can run tests quicker); - structure is nearly complete and correct - that is everything is good about the structure (almost ready-to-PDB-deposit) apart from problem loops/ligands; - no data pathologies (twinning, severe incompleteness and the likes); - length of problem loops: from 1 to 10 residues; - no restrictions on data and model use (so the structure id may appear in a future publication as an illustration, of course with all proper credits to the source); - it is desirable but not mandatory that a problem loop has some importance. Please reply to me directly. Thanks in advance! Pavel.