Hi Rebecca,
That would be a bug in autobuild.  I'm sorry about that! Can you check to make sure that you have a recent version? 

If you do have a recent version, then I need to fix this.  If you can send me the result of running the same job, but adding:


then that would be most helpful.  Alternatively if you would like to send me ([email protected], not the list) the input files and exact command you used (or the autobuild.eff file in Autobuild_run_xxxx_/) then I can duplicate it here.

All the best,
Tom T

On Apr 28, 2010, at 9:52 AM, Rebecca Oot wrote:

I'm trying to use the AutoBuild wizard to calculate a prime and switch map.
When I hit run I get the following error message: The key ignore_blanks is
not in var_type_dict....this means the command-line Wizard needs a
conversion in the autobuild.py script under 'Translating inputs' or else in
excluded_inputs. Any insight would be appreciated.

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Thomas C. Terwilliger
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