Hi Carsten, script run1.py prints exact density (not a Fourier synthesis!). Just run script then get your plot: in gnuplot: plot "z" using 1:2 with lines lw 3 Attached script run2.py plots form-factor as function of resolution for Ca and Zn, (B-factor = 0). plot "z" using 1:2 with lines lw 3, "z" using 1:3 with lines lw 3, "z" using 1:4 with lines lw 3 Obviously one can customize these scripts any way you like.. Pavel On 7/10/13 12:10 PM, Schubert, Carsten [JRDUS] wrote:
Hi, Were in the phenix package can I find the Gaussian factors (scattering table) for calculating the isotropic ED distribution at a given radius of r. I just need that for an illustration. Even better of you could already point me to some plots. Nothing I found online so far was suitable. Thanks Carsten