I'm trying to solve structure by MR with phenix 1.6.1-357 version. I have 100% identity search model and can find solution without problem in ccp4i in P212121 sg. But, I can't do it in phenix.automr command line because program looks only for P222 space group (pointed out by Randy Read). I use .sca from hkl2000 and running program from parameters file. I tried:
all_plausible_sg_list = True
use_all_plausible_sg = True
all_plausible_sg_list = P222 P2221 P21212 P212121
use_all_plausible_sg = True
space_group = "P 21 21 21"
They lead to report that no solution found or program being stalled (last variant). What should I do to make phaser search for all space groups in P222 point group?