11 Apr
11 Apr
2:15 p.m.
On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 1:41 AM, 王瑞
Excuse me,I'm a freshman ,could anyone tell me how to install phenix on ubuntu10.4? I have download phenix-installer-1.7-650- intel-linux-2.6-x86_64-fc12.tar.gz. when I install it in terminal,there was a error notice:"./install:no such file or directory"!Could anyone help me?
First problem: don't use the installer built on FC12, use the one built on FC3 - it is more likely to work on a broad range of systems. As for the error message, the installer may have been corrupted during download, but you also might not be running it in the right directory. Could you please send me the output of the command "ls -l"? thanks, Nat