In my latest installed version of phenix, I find that additional, redundant map coefficients are being added to the output mtz file. I compare an identical refinement originally run in 1.21rc1_5058 and then repeated in 1.21.1-5286. *_filled
and *_4 appear to be redundant, and the final sets of coefficients (*_no_fill and *_5), appear to include the test set reflections, even though I’ve selected Exclude R-free set from map coefficients in the gui. This is a little bit confusing, but primarily
an annoyance because auto-open mtz in coot can’t figure out which coefficients to use.
Col Sort Min Max Num % Mean Mean Resolution Type Column
num order Missing complete abs. Low High label
1 NONE -42 41 0 100.00 -3.3 16.0 52.38 1.96 H H
2 NONE 0 28 0 100.00 10.3 10.3 52.38 1.96 H K
3 NONE 0 27 0 100.00 10.3 10.3 52.38 1.96 H L
4 NONE -94.4 13012.5 269 98.44 85.01 85.49 45.63 1.96 J I-obs
5 NONE 0.2 337.4 269 98.44 4.44 4.44 45.63 1.96 Q SIGI-obs
6 NONE 0.0 1.0 269 98.44 0.05 0.05 45.63 1.96 I R-free-flags
7 NONE 10.2 2509.6 321 98.14 129.94 129.94 36.90 1.96 F F-obs-filtered
8 NONE 1.3 35.8 321 98.14 10.11 10.11 36.90 1.96 Q SIGF-obs-filtered
9 NONE 0.1 2250.2 321 98.14 125.18 125.18 36.90 1.96 F F-model
10 NONE -180.0 180.0 321 98.14 4.35 89.81 36.90 1.96 P PHIF-model
11 NONE 0.0 2971.8 1165 93.23 117.81 117.81 36.90 1.96 F 2FOFCWT
12 NONE -180.0 180.0 1165 93.23 4.65 89.89 36.90 1.96 P PH2FOFCWT
13 NONE 0.0 2971.8 0 100.00 117.93 117.93 52.38 1.96 F 2FOFCWT_filled
14 NONE -180.0 180.0 0 100.00 4.85 90.05 52.38 1.96 P PH2FOFCWT_filled
15 NONE 0.0 738.9 1165 93.23 46.86 46.86 36.90 1.96 F FOFCWT
16 NONE -180.0 180.0 1165 93.23 4.75 90.35 36.90 1.96 P PHFOFCWT
Col Sort Min Max Num % Mean Mean Resolution Type Column
num order Missing complete abs. Low High label
1 NONE -42 41 0 100.00 -3.3 16.0 52.38 1.96 H H
2 NONE 0 28 0 100.00 10.3 10.3 52.38 1.96 H K
3 NONE 0 27 0 100.00 10.3 10.3 52.38 1.96 H L
4 NONE -94.4 13012.5 269 98.44 85.01 85.49 45.63 1.96 J I-obs
5 NONE 0.2 337.4 269 98.44 4.44 4.44 45.63 1.96 Q SIGI-obs
6 NONE 0.0 1.0 269 98.44 0.05 0.05 45.63 1.96 I R-free-flags
7 NONE 10.3 2535.0 321 98.14 131.25 131.25 36.90 1.96 F F-obs-filtered
8 NONE 1.3 36.1 321 98.14 10.21 10.21 36.90 1.96 Q SIGF-obs-filtered
9 NONE 0.0 2261.4 321 98.14 126.66 126.66 36.90 1.96 F F-model
10 NONE -180.0 180.0 321 98.14 3.96 89.82 36.90 1.96 P PHIF-model
11 NONE 0.0 3119.6 1165 93.23 119.71 119.71 36.90 1.96 F 2FOFCWT_1
12 NONE -180.0 180.0 1165 93.23 4.33 89.89 36.90 1.96 P PH2FOFCWT_1
13 NONE 0.0 3119.6 0 100.00 119.85 119.85 52.38 1.96 F 2FOFCWT_filled
14 NONE -180.0 180.0 0 100.00 4.44 90.05 52.38 1.96 P PH2FOFCWT_filled
15 NONE 0.0 780.4 1165 93.23 45.28 45.28 36.90 1.96 F FOFCWT_2
16 NONE -180.0 180.0 1165 93.23 4.21 90.36 36.90 1.96 P PHFOFCWT_2
17 NONE 0.0 3119.6 0 100.00 119.74 119.74 52.38 1.96 F 2FOFCWT_4
18 NONE -180.0 180.0 0 100.00 4.60 90.01 52.38 1.96 P PH2FOFCWT_4
19 NONE 0.0 3119.6 321 98.14 119.56 119.56 36.90 1.96 F 2FOFCWT_no_fill
20 NONE -180.0 180.0 321 98.14 4.40 89.94 36.90 1.96 P PH2FOFCWT_no_fill
21 NONE 0.0 780.4 321 98.14 45.68 45.68 36.90 1.96 F FOFCWT_5
22 NONE -180.0 180.0 321 98.14 4.12 90.23 36.90 1.96 P PHFOFCWT_5
Best wishes
Kevin Jude, PhD
Structural Biology Research Specialist, Garcia Lab
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Stanford University School of Medicine
Beckman B177, 279 Campus Drive, Stanford CA 94305
(650) 723-6431