On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 5:36 AM, R.M. Garavito
No, this is no real problem as we have now solved it locally by deleting or rearranging columns in sftools. Using phenix.reflection_file_convert would work just as well. The point is that input and output formats tend to be obscured for the GUI users (which tend to be the younger users). Having a phenix page or wiki which briefly informs users of file handling and input/output data order would be helpful. Some of our efforts involve comparing CCP4 and Phenix results, which means that compatible mtz files are required. The nuts and bolts of CCP4 tends to be a little more transparent than in Phenix, but I like the data handling organization in Phenix. As the two program suites diverge in philosophy and implementation, the differences will need to be highlighted for users who want to use both. Thanks for the help.
Agreed, this is confusing for us sometimes, and we wrote the code! For the editor, I have slightly expanded the documentation here: https://www.phenix-online.org/version_docs/dev-891/reflection_file_editor.ht... On reading it again, I think I need to clarify what constitutes an "array" in PHENIX, since this is usually *not* the same as a "column" in CCP4. -Nat