Unless I'm misinterpreting this, it doesn't look like the chelator is
bound at all, and the metal ion is either partial occupancy or also
missing. The Asp sidechain, on the other hand, does look like it
should be coordinating the metal (if present). Try taking the
chelator out, fix the sidechain, and re-refine (using metal
coordination restraints which ReadySet can provide), and see if the
chelator density comes back. If it does, then the Asp sidechain and
the chelator will need to be modeled as alternate conformers, where
one is "A" and the other "B", so the atoms won't overlap in the
nonbonded restraints.
On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 9:46 AM, Subhani Bandara
Hi Nat,
I have attached a picture of that area with this. The rotamer I am refering to is ASP 26.
Thanks Subhani
On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 5:47 PM, Nathaniel Echols
wrote: On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 3:42 PM, Subhani Bandara
wrote: I have a protein cocrystallized with a metal chelator complex. The side chain of a Asp residue has density around one of the chelators(oxygen atom). The positive density for the rotamer of Asp is seen too close to chelator oxygen(~1.17 A) and therefore rotamer is moving into a negative density.
When I correct the rotamer and refine, it again come back to the same place, due to repulsive forces I guess. then I moved ligand away and refined with corrected rotamer, but after refinement ligand is again back at the same position, as well as the rotamer. How can I fix this? Does this indicate that the ligand may not be there although I see some density for it(full density is seen ~0.79 sigma and partial density ~1.00 sigma). Also is this happening due to the memory of ligand position in phenix.
I'm finding this a little difficult to visualize - do you think you could make a picture of it in Coot or PyMOL and post that to the list? (The server may complain about the message size if it's over 40KB, but the list administrator [me] can approve it for posting anyway.)
thanks, Nat
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