Dear phenixbb, I have a data set collected at 2.2A resolution that I can integrate in P4. Aimless, Phaser and Xtriage recognized a pseudotranslation (34.6% of origin peak) at fractional coordinates 0.500 0.500 0.479 (ORTH 46.7 46.7 37.4). However labelit.index run with sublattice_allow=true search did not detect the pseudotranslation vector. So far, any attempts to phase by molecular replacement was unsuccesfull and I suspect that it could be due to incorrect assignement of space group: Now, some questions arise: 1) does the pseudo translation exist or do not? 2) if translational NCS is present, could it mimic a P41/P42/P43 space group? 3) in any case, any advices in order to properly deal with tNCS will be of great help? I thank you in advance Best wishes -- Fulvio Saccoccia, PhD Sapienza University of Rome Dept. of Biochemical Sciences "A. Rossi Fanelli" Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 00185 Rome (Italy)