On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 2:46 AM, Frank von Delft
Hi Nat - pretty neat! I had a look yesterday; no detailed comments, but I found it very hard to make sense of anything, and eventually figured out why: the lattice flashes on-and-off during rotation. So the eye cannot hold onto anything, so it's almost completely pointless.
That was with spheres drawn, on CentOS5 (or something).
What kind of graphics card (and driver) do you have? I haven't noticed this with any of the systems I tried it on, but these are mostly Macs. Linux graphics support is a nightmare; I'm not sure how Paul Emsley manages. I'll take another look later today.
I didn't immediately find pan, zoom and slab functions; but if they're not on the mouse, the way coot and pymol have them, it probably won't be too useful either.
Middle button pans, right button or mouse wheel zooms - there is no slab function right now, but I have the code written for another app, so it's easy to add. -Nat