Hello Phenix community, I'm currently using nightly build 718, but this behavior is exhibited since sometime in the 1.6.xx releases too. I've turned off ADP refinement (only doing rigid_body refinement) and set the b_iso specifically as such: modify_start_model { selection = None adp { atom_selection = None randomize = None set_b_iso = 55 convert_to_isotropic = None convert_to_anisotropic = None shift_b_iso = None scale_adp = None } Yet the output PDB file has all b-factors in the 100s. Whazzup with that? Thanks, Scott ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scott Classen, Ph.D. SIBYLS Beamline 12.3.1 sibyls.als.lbl.gov Advanced Light Source Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1 Cyclotron Rd MS6R2100 Berkeley, CA 94720 C) 510.206.4418 O) 510.495.2697 Beamline) 510.495.2134 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~