Hi I just installed 1.5.2 and tried it out for a few hours this afternoon. Is it possible to run the phenix programs from the command line without being forced to launch the shiney new gui? I have 3 structures I had considered finished by R/Rfree and Molprobity. I was playing around with polygons (great way to quickly assess the structure) and found that 2 of the 3 strucutres are "bad" with very low RMSDs for bonds, angles, chirality, dihedrals and planarity. All were refined with phenix 1.3, but they are all fairly small ~80-90 residues. So do I need to go back and revisit these, advice much appreciated? Also I found that I can edit the validate_0.eff (from phenix/project_data/ ) and run the file from the command line. But is there a way to actually change keys_to_show and fiters for polygon in the gui? Also it seems that the *twinned crashed the validation when run this way (bug reported). Thanks Mark