Hi Gyan,

If you are unsure how to run eLBOW, have a look at Nigel's tutorial:
tutorial eLBOW

Best wishes,


On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 1:33 PM, Gyanendra Kumar <gyanendra99@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi there,

My Phenix.Refine run crashes because of non-availability of dictionary file for "ACP", a non-hydrolyzable ATP.

Could this ligand be added to the next nightly build?

Phenix.Refine suggested using "ReadySet", but that also failed.

I sent the error reports to bugs@phenix-online.org, all emails bounced back.

Refmac runs fine.



Gyanendra Kumar, PhD
Associate Scientist,
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital,
Department of Structural Biology,
262, Danny Thomas Place, MS-311
Memphis, TN 38105

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