Dear all,

I want to bring to everybody’s attention a few things about iNEXT Synchrotron Access proposals, as they seem to surface up often.

- “BAG” proposals are possible, but only when under a common translational scientific theme; not simply based on lab proximity.
- iNEXT funds complete projects, both beam time and travel; arguing that "we have beamtime, just give us travel money” will likely get your proposal rejected.
- Please be clear to state that you have crystals and/or justify what the SAXS experiments are answering.

Please keep in mind a specific difference from past schemes: you do not need to submit a separate proposal to the synchrotron site to get beam time!
A successful iNEXT application will be received by the site(s) you apply for, and only safety data will be requested and
a technical review will be done based on the existing application. 

We are looking forward receiving your applications for high-end synchrotron data collection, but also for :

1. Structural Audit (including crystallisation trials and SAXS: please advertise to your biochemistry colleagues!)
2. Macromolecular Interactions (Biophysics for quantitative characterising)
3. Cryo-EM sample optimisation (if you have negative stain images)
4. High-end NMR data collection
5. High-resolution EM (if you have good cryo conditions, and also for tomography and CLEM)

… and more modalities to come soon! 

On behalf of the iNEXT team,
