------------------------------------------------------------ Starting AutoSol with the command: phenix.autosol data=ScalAveragedSG_76_30.ref seq_file=seq_from_pdb.dat \ refine_eff_file_list=./refinement/non_default.eff sites=2 atom_type=I \ f_prime=-0.582314 f_double_prime=6.84299 res_phase=3.4 resolution_build=3.0 \ resolution=3.0 wavelength=1.5418 ha_sites_file=./ha_sites.pdb Sending output to AutoSol_run_7_/AutoSol_run_7_1.log ******************************************************************************** Failed to carry out AutoSol_build: Refinement failed...perhaps something wrong with input refinement file or data file or the column labels for them? Error message from phenix.refine: Empty atom selection: refinement.refine.anomalous_scatterers.group.selection="name I" ******************************************************************************** Cuts out in the first round of refinement (after initial Build_1.pdb) . I guess I should not have specified anomalous scatterers (at least to autosol). Does it refine anomalous automagically in the autobuild when doing a SAD via autosol? How do I recover from this error? (continue with the autobuild without anomalous scattering it now seems). Thanks FR --------------------------------------------- Francis Reyes M.Sc. 215 UCB University of Colorado at Boulder gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 67BA8D5D 8AE2 F2F4 90F7 9640 28BC 686F 78FD 6669 67BA 8D5D