Hi folks: About a year ago I refined a 1.6 Å RNA structure with phenix.refine 1.3b-rc6 and then got distracted. I picked it up today and essentially repeated the last round of refinement with 1.4-57 (and also 1.4-159). The maps are subtly different, but consistently slightly worse with 1.4. Here are two examples: http://sage.ucsc.edu/~wgscott/mystuff/old_vs_new.pdf In the second example, this would lead to deletion of one of the octahedrally coordinated waters on a known Mg++ ion. 2OEU is similar, except 2.0 Å resolution, and it has Mn2+ instead of Mg ++. A similar thing happens with the corresponding water in that structure. Has the weighting for the bulk solvent mask or something like that been increased? Thanks. Bill Scott