On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 7:12 AM, Jan Gebauer
just to let you know: For 1 processor, 600 Aa and 4 copy per asu, and ~60% solvent, my Ubuntu needed 4.8GB of RAM and additionally 60% of the 1.4 GB Swap. If I used more than one processor, RAM and Swap was completly filled and execution failed with "Failed memory alloc" after a while. Unfortunately Ubuntu tends to generate small swap partitions, a solution might be to add a swap file (additionally to the partition...) [ http://goo.gl/RSLqT] Just watch you "system monitor"...
That seems a little excessive - we may be doing something inefficient with map handling. We tend to buy and use much more powerful systems than what the average user has access to, which occasionally allows us to miss the signs of memory bloat in our code. -Nat