Dear Phenix users, I have run a number of Autobuild jobs using the Phenix GUI and in all cases, I'm not sure what output I should proceed with to the next step. - The first job was for rebuilding a loop section in the model (rebuild-in-place) - As far as I can remember, there was no mtz generated from this job, I had to generate map coefficients with the overall_best pdb and an old mtz using another refinement program. Did I miss something during the job input step, so that no mtz was generated, or how would I proceed in such a case? - The next job involved rebuilding the whole model (rebuild-in-place) - in this case, I took the overall_best pdb, but when I tried to open the overall_best_refine_map_coeffs.mtz in coot, I got this error that coot failed to find F/Phi columns in the mtz file. Then I checked in the TEMPO directory, and I managed to open a random mtz from one of the refinement cycles with coot, but I wasn't confident building into that, so again I had to generate map coefficients using overall_best pdb and an old mtz in another program. - The other job was rebuilding (rebuild-in-place) another model with composite maps generation - Here, in addition to the 12 mtz and pdb files from the 12 omit regions, I got resolve_composite_map.mtz I should assume as the only final output; and no final pdb. Again, this mtz file doesn't have the F/Phi columns as I got the same error as above in coot. I'm not sure how to proceed with this mtz...... I would really appreciate if someone could point me to the right direction or at least direct me to some literature where the output from Phenix autobuild jobs is explained - as I haven't come across such info yet. Thank you in advance, Serah --