On behalf of the organizers, Maria Armenia Carrondo and Thomas R. Schneider COURSE ANNOUNCEMENT - BIOCRYS 2008 Fundamentals of Modern Methods in Biocrystallography - 'What you always wanted to know about crystallography but never dared to ask' http://biocrys.itqb.unl.pt 4th - 11th October 2008 at the Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Oeiras, Portugal. The topics of the second edition of this course will run from fundamentals such as symmetry, point groups and crystal systems, basic diffraction physics, reciprocal space and the Ewalds sphere, radiation damage, data processing, structure factors, Patterson function to modern methodologies including molecular replacement, SAD, MAD, MIR and maximum likelihood phasing, density modification, refinement, model building, twinning and structure validation. The course will be organized with lectures in the mornings and interactive practicals and tutorials in the afternoons. Evening lectures on current topics will be presented by the invited speakers. Instructors and speakers (confirmed): M. Archer, I. Bento, N. Berrow, G. Bunkoczi, M. Coll, K. Cowtan, Z. Dauter, D. de Sanctis, P. Donner, C. Frazão, E. Garman, C. Hermes, E. Hough, G. Leonhard, A. Leslie, P. Matias, A. Perrakis, T. Schneider, C. Vonrhein. 36 participants will be selected with preference to scientists at the beginning of their crystallographic career and to those from Europe. A registration fee of 500 Euro for academic and of 1000 Euro for not academic applicants is requested for full board and accommodation. Selected applicants will have to pay the registration fee by bank transfer before arrival. A very limited number of grants may be available to partially cover the registration fees and will be paid upon students arrival. For application, please please fill the form on the web page http://www.embl-hamburg.de/workshops/2008/BIOCRYST08/ by the 15th of July For more information visit the course web page http://biocrys.itqb.unl.pt -- Daniele de Sanctis, PhD Homo sum humani nil alienum a me puto ______________________________________________________________ phone ++ 351 21 4469 662 fax ++ 351 21 4433 664 e-mail [email protected], [email protected] Mailing address: ITQB, Av. República, Apartado 127 2781-901 Oeiras Portugal