19 Mar
19 Mar
6:20 p.m.
Dear all, I refined a structure in phenix quite good resolution (1.4 Ang.) After the last refinement I created the "table 1" to extract all data. Interestingly I got a warning due to small changes in the R values R/Rfree after Refinement. 15,46/18,16 Phenix modelvs.data gives me R/Rfree 15,34/18,07 Interestingly this is nearly exactly the value which I got after the first OHS scattering optimization from phenix R/Rfree 15,43/18,03 The differences are of course very small and negeligible, but I wonder why it happens. Esspecially taking into account that it was refined with phenix and in this case I would expect that both values match exactly. Thank you very much in advance Best Regards Christian