Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve wrote:
You need to repeat this in each new cmd.exe (unless you are an expert and you somehow setup cmd.exe to execute cci_apps setpaths.bat automatically).
Not a windows expert, but one or the other of these might serve: 1. right-click on desktop, new shortcut, enter for the command: c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /K "D:\path to script which sets environment.bat" set startup directory, fullscreen or regular window, close on exit, select a suggestive icon for the shortcut "OK" until you get back to the desktop, double click this icon every time you want to run with this environment. (If "new shortcut" brings up a wizard, enter the above command in the textbox "type the location of the item" and finish. Then rightclick on the shortcut, properties, set anything else you need) or: 2. right-click on "my computer", properties, advanced tab, "environment" add any new variables and their value to your list, edit the %path% variable under "system variables" (separator is semicolon).