Oh dear, I think this may have been a problem with my shell script,
not Apple's tool. Give the next nightly build a try (1168 or newer,
hopefully available tomorrow) *without* removing the 1160 folder
first, and let me know if that fixes the problem.
On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 4:40 PM, Nathaniel Echols
On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 4:19 PM, Scott Classen
wrote: So I removed the 2 versions of Phenix residing in /Applications
but I still have a few old versions in /usr/local
These don't matter, since they're based on pure Unix and ignorant of the high-level installation framework (and vice-versa).
I then ran the 1.8.1-1160 point-n-click installer.
and it seems that everything is OK. The dock is working and I can command+tab between open Applications.
So something about the existing /Applications/PHENIX-**** directories is causing an installer problem.
Not the directories as such, but Apple's awfully buggy packagemaker tool and/or the installer app itself, which is trying to do some sort of cleanup. I'll look into it.