Hi Jason,
You should be able to do simple edits to an autobuild.ncs_spec file, for example changing the residues where ncs applies, and it should be read by autobuild. You can check if an ncs_spec file is ok by running it through phenix.find_ncs:

phenix.find_ncs my_ncs_spec.ncs_spec

should reformat it and write out files for resolve and phenix.refine.
If that doesn't help, can you send me before and after ncs_spec files and I'll have a look.

All the best,
Tom T

On Jul 15, 2010, at 7:33 AM, J J wrote:

Hello everyone,

It is easy to manually define NCS group in phenix.refine, but how to manually define it in phenix.autobuild?  phenix.simple_ncs_from_pdb will generate an .ncs_spec file which  can be used in autobuild, but what if I want to define ncs group myself, say removing some residues from the automatically detected one. I can manually remove them from the .ncs_spec file, but the operations defined in the .ncs_spec is no longer valid? Thanks in advance


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