Dear phenix community, I started an AutoBuild run using the phenix GUI (ver 1.3 rc4) on a linux cluster. It worked okay and all the refinement looked pretty decent. However, after quite a while I obtained the following error message (see below). Would anyone please tell me what to do to prevent this error and get phenix get its job finished? Also, I don't understand why phenix AutoBuild creates 5 (or whatever number) AutoBuild_run_x in the AutoBuild-run_1/TEMP0 directory and not two dirs up in the tree. In other words in my /someplace/home/someuser/ work/someproject/phenix2/AutoBuild_run_1_/TEMP0 directory are more AutoBuild_run_x_ directories (with x=1 to 5). It is a bit confusing to me. A final question: I realised that the phenix.refine drastically increases the number of outliers. I know that thare is a weighting term someplace ... but what was it again? Many thanks in advance, Alex warnings Failed to carry out AutoBuild_multiple_models: Sorry, subprocess failed...message is: ******************************************************************************** phenix.autobuild \ write_run_directory_to_file=/someplace/home/someuser/work/someproject/ phenix2/AutoBuild_run_1_/TEMP0/INFO_FILE_1 Reading effective parameters from /someplace/home/someuser/work/ someproject/phenix2/AutoBuild_run_1_/TEMP0/PARAMS_1.eff Sending output to AutoBuild_run_1_/AutoBuild_run_1_1.log ******************************************************************************** Failed to carry out AutoBuild_build_cycle: failure ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** work_pdb_file "AutoBuild_run_1_/edited_pdb.pdb" working_directory "/someplace/home/someuser/work/someproject/phenix2" worst_percent_res_rebuild 2.0 --------------------------------------------------- Alex Berndt MRC-Laboratory of Molecular Biology Hills Road Cambridge, CB2 0QH U.K. phone: +44 (0)1223 402113 ---------------------------------------------------