Dear all I've recently been having a few problems with the new phenix GUI freezing during refinement runs on several different systems, most often when I try and do something different on the computer which puts the GUI in the background or on a different desktop. I've seen this problem when running a local copy of phenix on a ubuntu 9.10 system or when running the GUI remotely on a mac connected to our Centos linux cluster. When I switch to a different desktop to get on with doing something else (refine jobs can take a long time) the GUI freezes - although the underlying task runs correctly. The only way out of this problem is to force quit the GUI and then restart it. However, this means that the task isn't recorded in my history and all settings used to run the job are lost from the GUI - the parameter file to run the job does exist though. This also means I lose all the nice molprobibity connections to coot which are really useful. Also if I try to run phenix on the Centos linux cluster when running a local windows system the GUI is so sllloooowwww whenever the GUI tries to open a new window that its unsuable. Has anyone else seen these problems and know a cure? If I run phenix locally on a mac I don't seem to have this problem, but it is nice to run the refine job on our linux cluster so that I can get on with doing something else without it slowing down my mac. On another note, when running phenix refine from the GUI it nicely puts all the files in a folder called "Refine_1" etc... with the number incrementing with each run. So, why are the pdb and mtz file always called "refine_1..." not "refine_2 etc... to match the folder name? This would help with keeping track of files during itterative refinement and model building. It would also stop the problem of having lots of files called "refine_1" loaded into coot when I try to compare models from different refine runs. It would also be useful to be able to be able to add a prefix to the file name / folder name / job name in the GUI so that I could distinguish between different refinement experiments. This is easy to do on the command line.... Thanks and merry christmas John -- John Berrisford Medical Research Council Mitochondrial Biology Unit Wellcome Trust / MRC Building Hills Road Cambridge CB2 0XY WEB: www.mrc-mbu.cam.ac.uk TEL: +44 (01223) 252918