Hi, it does not include ADP refinement by default. You can refine B by adding "adp" to "run" keyword, as explained in documentation: https://www.phenix-online.org/version_docs/dev-2027/reference/real_space_ref... Pavel On 4/30/15 5:09 AM, Smith Liu wrote:
Dear All, By Phenix.real_space_refine if is very nic to fit a PDB into an EM map, and we can get a fitted PDB. However no matter what is the run strategy (default, morphing, local grid search, etc), in the got PDB the B-factors for each atom in the coordinates were always those from the original input PDB, which may make the B-factors in refined PDB meaningless. As finally we need to deposit the refined PDB and EM to the database, will you please explain how to settle the B-factor issues in the refined PDB related to Phenix.real_space_refine? Smith