Hello, Sorry to interfere, in no case I want to play a police. However, I would like to ask all phenixbb-participants to respect other and when sending their mails : - to USE the "subject" in all sending mesages (no mails with empty "subject") and - to use it PROPERLY (just recently we had several examples of irrelevant subject; I do not want to point them out explicitly) Indicating a proper subject is a matter of saving time of others, making proper archives and facilitating searches in them later. This problem is also relevant to the CCP4bb even when a similar request of putting proper "subject" was posted there many times. (Personally, I think this should be done in ANY correspondence, even to your friends, not only to phenixbb or ccp4bb.) In addition, I think that a presence of your name at the end of your mail is also a rule of a politeness (that is also not respected in a number of letters to our bb-s). With best regards, Sacha