Here are some excerpts from the phenix.refine log file: Resolution range: 44.4024 1.8604 Completeness in resolution range: 0.995991 Completeness with d_max=infinity: 0.995862 Number of F-obs in resolution range: 92411 Number of F-obs <= 0: 3322 Refinement resolution range: d_max = 44.4024 d_min = 1.8604 Fobs statistics after all cutoffs applied: Miller array info: None Observation type: xray.amplitude Type of data: double, size=89089 Type of sigmas: double, size=89089 Number of Miller indices: 89089 Anomalous flag: False Systematic absences: 0 Centric reflections: 11672 Resolution range: 44.4024 1.8604 Completeness in resolution range: 0.960187 Completeness with d_max=infinity: 0.960063 This implies to me that phenix.refine is throwing out my very weak reflections. It appears that completeness goes from 99.6% to 96.0% Then further down in the log file I see: ============================== Outliers rejection ============================= Distribution of F-obs values before outliers rejection: 0.126 - 28.714 : 65519 28.714 - 57.302 : 13850 57.302 - 85.890 : 5625 85.890 - 114.478 : 2515 114.478 - 143.066 : 991 143.066 - 171.654 : 393 171.654 - 200.242 : 128 200.242 - 228.830 : 49 228.830 - 257.418 : 12 257.418 - 286.006 : 7 basic_wilson_outliers = 0 extreme_wilson_outliers = 0 beamstop_shadow_outliers = 0 model_based_outliers = 1 total = 1 Distribution of F-obs values after outliers rejection: 0.126 - 28.714 : 65519 28.714 - 57.302 : 13850 57.302 - 85.890 : 5624 85.890 - 114.478 : 2515 114.478 - 143.066 : 991 143.066 - 171.654 : 393 171.654 - 200.242 : 128 200.242 - 228.830 : 49 228.830 - 257.418 : 12 257.418 - 286.006 : 7 which makes it look like nothing is being rejected? So what is it? in the header of the resulting pdb file: REMARK 3 DATA USED IN REFINEMENT. REMARK 3 RESOLUTION RANGE HIGH (ANGSTROMS) : 1.860 REMARK 3 RESOLUTION RANGE LOW (ANGSTROMS) : 44.402 REMARK 3 MIN(FOBS/SIGMA_FOBS) : 0.03 REMARK 3 COMPLETENESS FOR RANGE (%) : 96.02 REMARK 3 NUMBER OF REFLECTIONS : 89088 which implies that indeed some reflections are being rejected. My hunch is that if F-obs = SIGF-obs then the reflection is rejected. Thanks, Scott