Hi Christian, FYI: in most recent development versions of PHENIX the NQH-flip is now turned on by default. Pavel. On 9/16/10 8:25 AM, Christian Roth wrote:
Dear all,
I installed a new version of phenix (1.6.4-486) and the NQH-flip function works fine (also from gui). Thanks a lot for your help
Am Freitag 10 September 2010 17:13:15 schrieb Pavel Afonine:
Hi Young-Jin,
could you please try the latest PHENIX version and see if it works. If it still doesn't work, please let us know and we will investigate.
On 9/10/10 8:09 AM, Young-Jin Cho wrote:
Hi Pavel, Recently I experienced similar to Christian's case: when I clicked that option from GUI, I got an error message but without click that option, everything was all right. (My phenix version is 1.6.4-486)
On Sep 10, 2010, at 10:13 AM, Pavel Afonine wrote:
Hi Christian,
in the latest PHENIX version the nqh-flip option is enabled by default.
On 9/10/10 5:36 AM, Jeff Headd wrote:
Hi Christian,
The version of PHENIX that you are using is fairly old and as far as I can recall was released before I had completed the NQH-flips method. I would recommend upgrading to at least the most recent release or even the latest released nightly build. Both will have a functional NQH routine.
If you have any further questions please let me know.
Thanks, Jeff
On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 5:14 AM, Christian Roth
wrote: Dear all,
I put manually in the parameterfile from the gui the option nqh_flips=True. After the run starts, a popup comes up claiming about an invalid unsupported option and the refinement stops without producing any file, even not a log-file. Does the nqh option not longer exists or what happend here? I use at the moment phenix 1.6-289.
Thanks for your help.
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