Hello everyone,

I used default setting in phenix and made an iterative-build omit map (it took 3 days!!!). 
Input: a pdb file (6 identical chains in AU); an mtz file
output:  a resolve_composite_map.mtz; an overall_best_edited.pdb


1) There is only one chain in overall_best_edited.pdb, the resolve_composite_map.mtz clearly indicates there are 6 chains in AU.

2) What's the next step for me after obtaining resolve_composite_map.mtz? 
        a) use phenix.refine to do refinement? if this is the case, what files should I use? 
        b) use phenix.assign_sequence to  assign sequence to resolve_composite_map.mtz?
        c) something else?

Thanks in advance.


U Pitt