Hi, Nat's suggestions sound good as a quick band-aid. Ugh, If I to implement this tool now I would do it differently: instead of subtracting map coefficients (which requires the unit cell identity) I would compute the actual maps first, (Fobs1, phi) and (Fobs2, phi), and only then project one map onto another, and finally subtract one map from another. That would completely eliminate the requirement of similarity of unit cell parameters. Pavel. On 2/18/11 12:09 PM, Jason wrote:
Hello everyone,
I have two data sets, one for apo form and the other is co-crystalized with ligandl. Both data sets has P1211 space group; resolution is about ~3.5Angstrom. Unit cell: Apo: 105.22, 266.26, 110.63 90.00, 108.12, 90.00 Ligand: 104.60, 264.74, 109.98, 90.00, 106.33, 90.00
When I try to create an isomorphous difference map using phenix GUI, an error message pops up: crystal symmetry mismatch between different files. Anyone could tell me what's the problem and how to solve it?