1 Apr
1 Apr
10:50 a.m.
Dear PHENIX Developers, I would like to perform phenix.refine using amber gradient. I installed AmberTools 15 and the newest version of Phenix by following the instruction found here http://www.phenix-online.org/documentation/reference/amber.html.http://www.phenix-online.org/documentation/reference/amber.html However, when I ran"phenix.AmberPrep", it complains "phenix.AmberPrep not found". In dead, I cannot find any binary named "phenix.AmberPrep". However, it looks to me that phenix is installed OK and so does AmberTools 15. I checked each step of my installation, I could not find anywhere is wrong. Can you please help me out? Thank you! Sincerely, Jing-Yuan