Is there a way to load the TLS groups, generated so kindly by TLSMD in old phenix format, into the new gui? It would save a lot of typing.
The file extension must be .eff or .param, otherwise the GUI won't be able to figure out what kind of file it is. Once this is done, there are three ways to load it: 1. Make it a command-line argument when you launch phenix.refine_gui. (the goal is for the GUI to take all the same arguments as the command- line-only version - not sure if that made it into this installer, but it'll definitely load any named files that it recognizes.) 2. Place the file in phenix/defaults/ in whatever you picked as the project directory, and it'll be loaded on startup. The next installer will simplify this procedure. 3. Load it from the file menu. This is more problematic, but should be fine for tls groups. There isn't a space for this in the "input files" section of the window because these files are handled differently than pdb files etc., and they're difficult to undo. (this is just a quirk of the way configuration is handled in the background.) I didn't realize that tlsmd would produce a file for phenix; I'll add a button to that dialog window for loading these files unmodified. Nat