Hey all,
I'm calling phenix.autobuild with the following command:
phenix.autobuild data=second_try_33.1.mtz model=second_try_33.1.pdb \
seq_file=name_139_414.seq ps_in_rebuild=True
On my MacBook Pro (OSX 5.6, phenix Version: 1.4, Release tag: 3, cctbx
tag: 2008_12_07_1353, Platform: mac-intel-osx osx-10.5.6), I get the
following error:
Exception RuntimeError: 'maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling
a Python object' in ignored
On a linux box (RHEL 5.2, phenix Version: 1.4, Release tag: 3, cctbx
tag: 2008_12_07_1353, Platform: intel-linux-2.6 redhat-e5.2) I get this
Failed to carry out AutoBuild_build_cycle:
child process stderr output:
command: 'csh
tset: standard error: Invalid argument
Each time, the script was run on the same set of files residing on the
linux box. I either ssh into the machine and run phenix.autobuild in an
ssh shell or mount my linux home directory via MacFusion and run
phenix.autobuild on the Mac.
I haven't tried copying the files to the Mac, but other phenix commands
work with the remote data (e.g. phenix.autobuild data=data.mtz
solvent_fraction=.6 ps_in_rebuild=True model=coords.pdb maps_only=True)
What's the problem?
Andreas Förster, Research Associate
Paul Freemont & Xiaodong Zhang Labs
Department of Biochemistry, Imperial College London